Spring 2021 Video Presentations
Videos from prior spring concerts available on YouTube
Added weekly from April to June, 2021
These videos were made at the Chorale’s “50 Years of Music” concert on May 14, 2016, at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Rochester, Michigan. CLICK HERE to watch any or all of these songs.
1. Deo Gratia (Thanks be to God) by Noel Goenmanne — The composer referred to Deo Gracias saying, “When the soul is full of joy and gratitude and finds no more words to thank God for the many blessings, it repeats unceasingly the same chant in an endless litany of Joy and Thanksgiving.”
2. Joyful, Joyful – by Ludwig van Beethoven, adapted by Roger Emerson, and arranged by Mervyn Warren — This gospel arrangement was used in Whoopi Goldberg’s movie, Sister Act II: Back in the Habit. Enjoy this uplifting song!
3. Sanctus. “Sanctus” is the third movement of Gabriel Faure’s (1834-1924) Requiem (Mass for the Dead) in D Minor, Op. 48. It was first performed in 1888. Translation: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) | Dominus Deus Sabaoth (Lord God of Hosts) | Pleni sunt coeli terra gloria tua (Full are the heaven and earth of thy glory) | Hosanna in excelsis (Hosanna in the highest)
4. Ride On, King Jesus is a traditional spiritual, and this performance was arranged by Moses Hogan — The verses say, “I was but young when I begun. But now my race is almost done. King Jesus rides a milk white horse. The [river] of Jordan he did cross.”
5. Yearnings by John Carter and Mary Kay Beall (husband and wife) — It is warm and melodic: “…to walk again, slow through a forest deep…to talk again…the warmth of the summer sun…a chance to sing my song once more…” and much more.
6. He Never Failed Me Yet by Robert Ray — This song has all the elements of gospel music, including solo embellishment and a driving beat that constantly pushes the music along. Soloist: Dr. Gilbert Jackson.
7. Battle Hymn of the Republic – arranged by Peter Wilhousky — This is the Chorale’s Memorial Day Salute to all who have died for the sake of this country. It starts with a segment of “God Bless the U.S.A.” and then goes to the snare drum leading into the “Battle Hymn.”
It is at the peak of emotion-grabbing performances, with the audience standing before halfway through and then joining the Chorale for a reprise of the powerful refrain. It concluded our 2015 concert.
8. Set Down, Servant! – arranged by Robert Shaw — “Set Down, Servant!” is a perfect example of gospel call-and-response form. It is a dialogue between God, “Set down, servant!” and the servant (slave), “My soul’s so happy dat I cain’ set down!”
Spirituals Workshop (2018)
Dr. Jackson is available to work with your group on the performance of spirituals. What does it mean to be stylistically correct? How can spirituals be built into your curriculum? Contact us to discuss what you need.

The Chorale participated in the social action Shabbat at Temple Kol Ami in West Bloomfield, presenting the spiritual, Daniel (Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel), along with a combined-choir presentation of Oseh Shalom.
An Afternoon of Spirituals (2017)
In a special program at First Presbyterian Church of Pontiac, the Chorale and the church’s chancel choir, under the direction of Liz Spry, each performed a set of spirituals. Then, the groups combined for Give Me Jesus, a commissioned arrangement by Dr. Rollo Dilworth, in memory of Dr. Audley Bailey who was a long-time member of both the church and Chorale.